HE said the sweetest thing last night that just made my body tingle with happiness and my face light up with the biggest smile in recent history... as we were bout to go off to sleepy land, he said, "dream of a beach, and i'll meet u there." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... i love u chris! u are still full of suprises. XD
What You Are
hahahaha... so amusing... =P
i am a busty titan who loves to laugh at penises. LOL
i've been to the following raves:
- metropolis
- cyberfest
- popsikle
- planet new year
shall we go for popsikle 5? heh, and it'll be my 5th rave, what a coincidence... ;]
we can do this. you and me. we can make forever ours. i kno we can. we just have to try. this time it's real. our love with conquer it all. no more pain and no more tears. do u trust me? do u trust in our love? i do. i promise you everything. i will do everything in my power to make it work cuz my heart jus never wants to let u go. u're my all today, tomorrow, and always. i love you chris. let's make this our forever.
adrienne LOVES chris
a few people have said that i look like thandie newton... or more commonly known as the nyah from mission impossible 2... what do u think?
i miss u chris...
oh yea, before i forget to write bout this. yesterday started out kinda rocky, but got better... then a whole lot worse... anyway, talked to chris before i went to bed. blah. woke up late for pcn practice, but that wasn't bad cuz it's not like i had to be there on time or something... jus wanted to be. well, i got there around 2. i watched them rehearse and what not. pretty cool stuff. i've been taking a lot pics the past few days. i'll share them one day. anyway... the biggest part was after practice. during the whole day, the cast was trying to keep the water fight a secret, but everyone knew. anyway, i decided to stay on the outskirts during this water fight because i'm not in the cast or crew; so it wasn't really my fight. also, i was defenseless. unfortunately, manalo found me and asked me why i was still dry. the chase ensued. she got me. it was all over from there, cuz this smart lil girl decided to run towards the crowd instead of away. i'm good. i ended up in the center of the war. i was spotted. SPLASH after SPLASH. every piece of clothing was wet except my socks and shoes. bah. it was fun tho. good times. but next year, watch out. hehe. after gettin back to my room, i made some hot dogs and listened to music. i changed into sweat pants. bad idea. my underwear left a nice lil wet spot on the pants. haha... anyway, i took my second shower of the day and then got ready to go to dinner with the first years. we all went to islands. that was pretty fun too. i spent $17 on food, but oh well... i went back to my dorm and chilled... procrastinated. ha... then the night went dark... as the early morning began, chris and i ended... i'm still hoping... still wishing... still holding on... what a way to end a week that was so great... i love him. always and forever. i can never forget...
warning: obscenities will be everywhere
alright, i gotta get my mind off of the SHIT that's FUCKIN roamin through my head right now. i wish it was a week ago... when i believed everything was still good. i was in love and i was an improving student. now, i'm neither. blah, anyFUCKINway...
so yea, easter weekend was great. i was able kick it with my mom and see chris for a few hours. my mom and i went shopping that saturday. it was fun. she bought me stuff too, but she bought a whole lot for herself. i'm happy that she's happier. after going shopping, i met up with chris at his house. i thought it was really nice of him to go home after return of the bboy jus so we can meet up. made me smile. we spent the evening at his house pretty much. the only time we left the house was to get mcdonald's down the street. we watched atlantis and then some tv. these kinds of "dates" are my favorite cuz it's jus being alone with the one u love jus appreciating each other's company. i love it. i love him. [FUCKin AYE.] so yea, i left his house and arrived at my house with 2 minutes to spare before 2. take that mom! ha! easter sunday was alright. i didn't find any FUCKIN eggs in the easter egg hunt, as usual. why do i suck at that??? grr... oh well, i still got some money... my grandpa was in the hospital... he's not doing so well... hopefully, he gets better... his name for me is "beautiful." now, who wouldn't like being called that everytime u saw someone? god bless lolo. i left monday...
well, getting back to school was coo. jus sad to leave home... it's always FUCKIN hard leaving... well, monday, i found out that mary was gonna be goin to irvine on tuesday to see the school, so of course i let her kno that i go to uci and etc. so she emailed me back and we made plans. through iMs, we decided that she was gonna stay in my dorm room until thursday afternoon. well, she came late tuesday night which was kinda weird. it's like we kno so much about each other yet so little... the wonders of the internet... we basically did a lot of talking all of the days she was here. it was fun. we have a lot in common. she went on tours around campus and what not. i even took her to one of my classes on thursday. we also got a nice amount of free stuff from the career fair. i think my best find was a stapler. heh... well, i met my competition for mary's heart. her name is erika. i think i won. so =P we met while i was on the way back to my room. they turned me around and we all went to the main library on a "ghost" hunt, jus to end up disappointed. oh well... fun times... mary is one awesome chick. but i never doubted that one bit...
now about school, i thought that everything was goin okay cuz i was tryin my hardest to get my grades back up and what not. turns out i got a c- in humcore writing last quarter, which i don't think is passing for that course, but i'll have to deal with that later... anyway, because i jus got that grade, so did the ics people... so yea, i have to go in for a meeting with my conselor about my grades and to put me under contract. 2nd step out of 3 to getting kicked out of the university. i cried when i heard the message. well, my meeting is on the 5th. wish me luck... i really thought my 2.5 last quarter would've gotten me off of ap, but apparently not... FUCK ICS. FUCK HUMCORE. dammit...
i've been doing more talking with my mom recently. she's been the only one that i can talk to recently. no one has been around. no one has been FUCKIN listenin to my problems. no one has been giving me any attention. i was alone. i needed someone. so who better than mommy? i jus wish that it wasn't always like that... i miss having friends.... FUCK i already miss having chris. and it's only been 9 hours... FUCK LIFE though. i might as well be dead. no love. no hope. no future. the end... i'm gonna crawl back into my FUCKIN bed to wish that i jus wouldn't wake up...
why did it have to happen now? when everything in my life seems to be going down... when school life couldn't be any lower... when i feel an overwhelming sense of lonliness everyday... why did it have to happen at my weakest point? when i'm easiest to break... last night, i felt as if my heart was being torn out slowly... i couldn't breathe... my lungs jus stopped taking in air... my body wanted to give up jus as much as my mind wanted it to... i don't kno what to think anymore... i don't kno what to expect. i don't kno how tomorrow will be. i don't kno what lies ahead for us... i don't kno much anymore... i do kno, tho, that these tears won't stop... i feel no hunger. i feel no more pain. soon, i won't feel life...
if there were ever a time when adrienne would break her own promises to herself about drugs and alcohol... this be SOOO fuckin it. so bring on the drugs... bring it on baby... i need to not know how messed up my life is right now...
why did it have to end? why can't the one thing that i depended on actually last? why can't god jus let me be happy? why can't he let me be with him? why isn't my love strong enough? why are my tears constantly flowing? why can't i live without him? why is he my world? why is he my everything? all i ever wanted... all i ever needed... that was you... and now, u're gone... i have nothing left in this world to live for... i might as well die now...
i'm having this horrible LONELY feeling in my heart... it's so bad that i feel like my body is breaking down slowly... it's not even that i miss jus one person... it's like i can't even identify what it is that is making me feel this way... everything in my life is going down once again... school is going downhill... because of that, i might jus lose the friends that i have made down here... i feel like i'm losing touch with the one i love... i don't even think i can say that i have a best friend anymore cuz i've separated myself from everyone to the point that it's jus a hopeless matter... overall, i'm just FUCKIN depressed... yes, i'm so depressed that it needed an obscenity just to show how deep of a degree my depression has reached...
i miss romance. i miss suprises. i miss spontanaity. i miss conversations on the phone that would go on for hours with barely even a moment of silence. i miss being more than just what seems like a friend. i don't like this routine that we seem to be doing over and over. i miss how u used to text me out of no where just to tell me the sweetest things to make me smile. i miss getting the emails or the phone calls just saying all the things i wish for. i miss feeling special. i miss being ur all. i miss being ur #1. i miss u, but how u were before when things were new. in a lil more than a month, it'll be our anniversary... the day, two years ago, we became one. i kno u're still that same person i fell in love with, but i jus wish i could see it... i believe that we're really meant to be... but will we reach our forever? i can only hope and dream...
alrighty, hello again blogspot. well, turns out my host is still all messed up so i don't know what to do with it right now... too much hassle, so i'm goin back to this for a while until that fixes itself or something... iono...
there has been a lot of stuff going on in my life recently. first of all,
BLAH! the train of thought has derailed... i'll be back on board again later...
dajoint 2 year anniversary massive 21+ event. [d'oh!]
oh yea, i read on a flyer one day that said, "18+ to come, 21+ to swallow" u get it? nastiness i tell u...
what u've been missing...
hello everyone and welcome to yet another episode of adrienne's life. it's been a while since i wrote a serious bLog entry bout what's actually been going on in my life. well, i finally got my schedule fixed. unfortunately, my tuesdays and thursdays are hell on the uci campus. haha... that didn't really make sense, but yea, moving on... classes pretty much straight from 8am to 6:30pm. ok, so there's a 2 hour gap and then a 3 hour gap, but still...
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that's the cross cultural center where i spend most of my school days jus kickin it wit my kaba folks... i've decided that i'm gonna stay at uci. i realized that i'm more wanted [in a way] down here then back at home... everyone at home has moved on with their lives already, and i should too... sadly, i don't wanna let go of everyone at home, but i guess i already have. i'm down here now, and i'm gonna stay at uci until i graduate or get kicked out. ha. i just need to figure out what i'm gonna major in during the summer. also, i'm gonna have to look for a job during the summer. any ideas? i've realized recently that my friends at home are jus too far sometimes... i feel like i'm losing touch with everyone, and i am. i apologize to everyone that i haven't had the time for recently. i really am. i miss u guys more than anything. u jus don't kno. love ya all! u kno who u are. =] i've also been missing those friends lost during the summer. 3 guys that were my closest friends during the end of senior year and the beginning of the summer. i miss u guys. i hope everything's going well. sorry for the drama that i started. maybe one day we'll all be coo again. as much as i want to go back to frisco, i jus gotta admit to myself that things won't be the same and not how i expect it to be. i expected that when i went back that everyone that i am friends with up there would jus all come back and we'd all be able to kick it on a more regular basis. tho that may be true for the most part, i jus kno that they all have their own schedules now and their own lives apart from mine. the only regret about staying at uci is chris. it's so hard to be almost 500 miles away from him. i jus wish i could see him as often as my heart wants to, but then that would be everyday. =P i don't think that would be very constructive for either of us. haha... somehow, i wish we could jus live in the same apartment... tho we'd have different schedules, at the end of our days, we'd come home to each other... =\ k, no more mushiness. haha... but yea, basically, uci is where i will stay for as long as it will keep me. and hey, another one of my cousins is comin down here next year. muahahaha... impressionable freshman blood. i've been considering whether i should run for kaba board next year for historian or publicity. iono if i can handle all the responsibilities... *shrugz*... we'll see what i decide. it's nice seeing all the norcal people with their friends from home who came to visit them. hehe... but in a way, it makes me feel lonelier. oh well... chris couldn't make it for his spring break, but that's not really his fault. it's okay, i'll try to see him this weekend if i'm free. yes everyone, i will be back in the bay from friday night to early monday afternoon. i'll try to see what i have time for, but as i see it, not a lot of free time... maybe a few hours on saturday... *sigh* i miss chris so much... blah... anyway, i'll leave u with a lil story from the past few days... only one that sticks out in my memory...
so yesterday, i went to see my humanities discussion leader cuz i jus tranferred into his section. i emailed him the night before telling him that i tranferred into it, and he replied and basically told be bout all this crap that's due and what not. basically, our essay is due thursday. AHH! well, i went to talk to him cuz i couldn't do that in any way possible. he let me get an extension!!! yesss!!! i stressed so much that i cried to my mommy bout it... i was so relieved. anyway! that's not the really interesting part... so this guy has two lil patches on his jaw, like right below his cheeks. one on each side of his face. these patches, though, are not like regular everyday ones... these are acne patches... like pimple on top of gross pus-filled pimple. [graphic, huh? well, it was jus that gross] so yea, i got used to not paying attention to those while i was talking to him... next thing i kno, while he's talking, he burps! wtf!?!? he doesn't even say, "excuse me" or anything!! eww... but that's not all... after that, i saw him scratching the back of his neck, which is completely normal... until i see him looking at his hand with a confused kind of look on his face... EWW!!! next thing i kno, this man is taking out his handkerchief and wiping whatever it is on the back of his neck... sick! i don't even wanna kno... anyway, that's all... hopefully, i grossed u all out... cuz i sure was...
i haven't updated in a while, but it's gettin kinda late and i don't feel like writing up something right now... but don't despair. i promise to have an update up before i go home for easter. ;] hey bay area! u miss me? *muah*
what the fuck? i don't understand what goes on between u two. one moment, things seem fine; the next, everything is wrong again. she deserves to be treated better than u treat her. she doesn't need someone to treat her like a child. she's an adult and can make her own choices. she doesn't have to report to anyone if she doesn't feel like it. so u say that u tried to be understanding... how can u say that when all u listen to are the words of ur friends? listen to what she says before u expect her to listen to u. stop trying to put her on this guilt trip. u kno how to twist her mind and heart to the point where the strongest person i kno breaks down to tears. she's given up her life to be in yours. do u even kno that? the ones closest to her have been pushed aside and all her attention on u. how can u say that u love her when you have to check up on her life? what kind of crap is that? you love her, but u can't trust her. i'm sorry to say, but trust is what makes love what it is. without it, tell me what u have. might as well be nothing, right? put ur words into action and do something to show that u really do love her. from what i kno, doesn't seem like u give even 1% of what she gives to u. u say she's ruining ur life. what about hers? u say she's been selfish. how do u think she feels when she gives u her world and u give her harsh words and accusations? there is no way that one can love a person too much. in this case, i must say that it seems like u love her too little. i kno that u care about her and that u do love her, but tell me how u've shown it. tell me what u've done for her, and i'll tell u of all the things she's done for you. she doesn't ask for anything more than ur time, patience, love, and understanding. why do u refuse these to her? let her tell her story for once instead of immediately attacking her and putting her on the defense when all she can say is sorry cuz u won't even give her a chance. i love this girl like she was my blood. she doesn't deserve any shit because she's got a big heart and an awesome personality. love her for who she is and cherish her. if u can't even do any of this, jus leave... she deserves only the best.
just my opinion
hey everyone. welcome to my new home. since i have a host now XD... i will be adding some new stuff to this page. aren't u excited? haha... well, i'll probably put up some pics of course, a section of pics of my work, etc etc etc... so yea, look for all that in future hopefully... well, i also made a new wallpaper for myself. look up. =P k, that's all for web stuff...
[thursday] was a weird day for me. i had bad luck with two pairs of sunglasses. well, both times, i had my sunglasses on my hat, and then took off my hat. then, next thing i kno, they're on the floor in two pieces. the first pair didn't matter too much cuz it was like $10 from claire's. so i was like, "whatever... bad luck." so, i went back to my dorm, ate, and went back out with another pair of sunglasses. i went thru the last 2 classes of the day and then went to the admin building to add my anthro class. while in line, i take off my hat, and down go the sunglasses. the $80 oakley sunglasses... in two separate pieces... right down the middle. SUX! oh man... i was tryin not to trip bout it but man... i was mad/sad... well, i got back to my room and took out the spare pair. haha... =X so, it's all good... i glued the oakleys. look kinda okay... *shrugz* well, it's late, and i'm tired... so nite everyone... and hope that chris can make it down here for his spring break. =] and that i get into the class time that i want. *crosses fingers & toes* =P
hey, what's this i hear? adrienne got hosted? what?!? oh yeaaaa... by the same host as crys-tal. haha... Jerlyn! yay! thanx buddy. XD
Army recruiters targeting Filipino immigrants
Still no agreement on Serra High School operating hours
jus reading some news... thought i'd share my findings... funny that the serra problem is still goin on cuz it's been hella years since it started...
heh... tours. how cute, prospective uci students. yup, it's that time of the year when more high schoolers come to see uci than the rest of the year. i think i did the same thing during my spring break... oh wait! it was during intercession or whatever it's called these days... haha... well, jus some uci promotion... the week of the 14th is full of activities on campus and a big 25th anniversary open house thing is on the 19th. so u should go check it out if u're thinkin bout uci! check this out for more info. yay uci! =]
alright, now that that's out of my system... back to the anti-irvine aj... haha... jk! i'm not anti-irvine... jus anti-irvineheads. u kinda get it? oh well... yea, jus need to figure out where i belong... *sigh* lalala... umm... iono what else to write bout that right now...
i walked in on my roommate and her bf doin somethin somethin... oh man... lol... k, that's all for today. =P
new layout finally. what do u think people? let me kno. i actually made this all on my own with dreamweaver and photoshop. for the first time, i used a program to do the coding. omg! haha... i feel like i sold out... =P not my fault that the code that i have memorized is now out of date. =P i like it. i'm quite proud. hehe... so yea, only 1 person actually responded to the prompts in the previous posts, so the promised post is postponed indefinitely... so too bad for u... well, nothing really interesting has been goin on in my life... i spent the weekend wit my cousin mostly playing auto modellista. i'm tellin u that that game rocks!!! XD i'm gettin pretty good at it... =] my car's gettin new headlights. the ones i've been drooling over. black chrome, jdm type r style ones!!! wOo WoO! hmm... what else... i'm still tryin to get my class schedule fixed... it sux... =\ also, i'm still tryin to figure out where i'll be next year. i need more opinions on it... my roommate's been gettin on my nerves, but i think it's mostly just me being anti-irvine. also, i might be flying up north for easter weekend... but we'll have to see if tickets are still available for cheap by friday... =\ i hope so cuz i jus wanna go home and be in my room again, even if it's only gonna be for like 3 days and mostly with my mom with only one day to do something for myself... i have an 8am class and i'm still up. hehe... umm... i've been doin a lot of thinkin bout a lot of things recently, but all that will have to wait for another day and another entry cuz my brain is really dyin right now... so byebyee...
Girl, 17, dies in car crash
hella sad... elco hs... condolences go out to everyone that knows her. =\ so close to home...
i promised deep stuff... but u kno what? this isn't it. ha! be patient people. u'll get it. i'm still waiting for some kind of response... =P
anyway, here is the topic of the moment. what do i have planned for my educational future? well, i've pretty much decided that i'm going to apply to sfsu as a transfer student to check out if i can or not. while that goes through, i will gather more information about transferring and about the school. also, i will research my prospective major, mechanical engineering cuz there isn't aerospace engineering at sfsu, but it's all good. finally, to further research sfsu, i will try to take some summer courses at sfsu to get a feel for it and see if it works for me better than uci. that's some ish, huh? well, it's been runnin through my mind for a while now... if u want reasons, jus ask. also, if u have any other ideas, let me kno cuz i'm jus as unsure about this as ever... i need some other opinions about this... so let me kno what's on ur mind. ;]
Love Test - Animal Test
My Results
1. You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and
2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is straight-forward, just tell you he/she
loves you.
3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish.
4. What you hate most in your partner is that the person is
ruthless, cold-blooded, and/or ironic.
5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is one that you care not only about the present but
also the future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship
that you can grow with.
6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything
wrong after marriage.
7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married,
you'll treasure it and your partner very much.
8. At this moment, you are quite self-centered; you think of love as
something you can get and trash anytime you want. [iono bout this one]
u kno u're gettin all anxious to find out what deep stuff i have to bLog bout... but hey, read the previous entry and follow the directions. iM, comment, or email... anythin... but yea, i have one reply so far... maybe a lil longer...
alright... i have a number of things to talk about but i'll leave the deep stuff for when i have a lil more time... hehe... gives u guys something to look forward to! muahahahaha... anyway, i do have two stories for u... =]
yesterday, i awoke around 11:30 to the sound of the door opening and talking. it was the roommate's bf. yup, so i jus tried to fall back asleep cuz i was really tired still. well, i couldn't to my dismay. next thing i kno, i no longer hear talking, but the sounds of kissing. oh man. o_O then it continues to more graphic images. sounds of zippers. and finally, movement. ah yes, bunkbeds are good so i wouldn't have to see ish, but dammit, i could feel the bed moving... AIYA! i can't recall a moment in my life at which i wanted to fall back asleep more than that moment. alas, not all things went well for them cuz as i was finally falling back asleep, i heard the bf leave in a quickness. *shrugz* at least i was finally able to sleep. until 4:45pm. =D
alrighty, this morning, i woke up at 7:30 like i was supposed to but i laid in bed for a lil bit telling myself that i would get up in two minutes. next thing i kno, it's 8:05 and i'm late for class. dammit! so i lag around a bit and get ready. i finished getting ready at about 8:25. by that time, i debated whether or not i should go to class or not... well, of course time continued elapsing while i debated, so i decided to jus not go. then i thought about if i should go to the next class. i opted not to. ha. first week of classes, and i'm lookin good so far. don't u think? haha... but yes, i went back to sleep in my jeans and woke up in time to go to my last two classes of the day. i kno u're proud that i was able to drag myself out of bed. i sure was. =]
oh, and to prepare u for my next entry... write a lil blurb bout what makes u happy and what u look forward to in life. also, think bout the present jus as much as the future. are u happy wit ur life? okay, send those over to angelxflair@hotmail.com and come back to see what i have to say about it. ;]
well, this is the entry you've all been waiting for... the bLog bout my spring break. finally. really tho, i did intend on updating while i was on break, but yea, that jus didn't happen. oh, and btw, who wants to claim the 6000th visitor honor? you? or maybe you? =P maybe i'll make somethin special for that person... hehe... k, here we go!
so i left wednesday night for san jose airport. when i saw those familiar lights and familiar buildings, i jus cheesed for a while cuz i was home. the bay. i picked up my backpack and got off the plane heading towards where my mom usually waits for me. saw her and smiled. =] then, i picked up my luggage. guess where we went first that night. tapioca express! muahahahaha... yep, i got chicken and my mocha snow bubble. then we headed on home. i was so happy to be in my room again. i was so happy to see my cats! hehe... i missed that rocky. the end of wednesday. the next few days seemed to all blur together really. i saw chris pretty much everyday. =D i kicked it wit crystal for a lil bit at great mall. chris and i had our random adventures. the first friday i was up there, i went to breakdown at riordan. i saw some of the littluns from back in the md days. it was funny to see them cuz they didn't recognize me and they also seemed so young to me and it was weird seeing that they're in high school. there was some white gurls there that were hella annoying me, royce, and alaudio [sp?]. chris didn't hang out wit me during it cuz there was confusion bout who was entered in the battle and who wasn't. oh well, i had fun anyway. there were like 2 lil white boys that were pretty coo and like suprised the crowd. tony [chris's younger bro] did pretty well, but didn't move on. =\ oh well, he was in it and did his thang. heh. the gurls did pretty well too. the gurls meaning deanna [tony's gf], denise, etc. they actually tied wit the guys they battled, but didn't make it. *shrugz* overall, it was a coo jam. we all went to denny's after too. haha... i met new people! like ivan! haha... he was coo. i love all of chris's friends! they're awesome. pete, ace, royce, ray, tony, ivan, alaudio, deanna, etc etc! haha... so yea, chris and i did a lot of jus kickin it at his house playin video games or watching tv. he got auto modellista!!! it is one of the greatest games ever! XD i don't even wanna start talkin bout it cuz i won't stop. it's great. i did a lot of driving while i was home too. i drove everyday to chris's house and stuff. i sometimes drove him to and from school cuz his mom was using his car. i also picked up tony a few times, and drove deanna home once. there was a lil drama while i was up there, but it's all coo. no biggie i suppose. i went to the y finally wit chris. haha... ;] we took bart. fun times. the y was coo. each circle in the studio had a different style. like one was all power and another was all footwork. it smelled a lil funky in there tho, i must admit. haha... a lot of the people i met there were hella coo. like i said, chris has coo ass friends. we were there for what seemed like forever. tony & deanna had some funk goin on, but yea, they eventually worked things out. =] the bart ride back home was fun. there was one gurl from the y that was freakin annoying. "i do polynesian, ballet, jazz, hiphop, and bboying... blah blah blah..." gawd! she wouldn't stop!!! and she jus kept dancing. i think she does it all for the attention, but yea. good thing she didn't take the same bart as we did. oh yea, before we went back to bart, we went to carl's jr to eat and jus kick it more. i'm hella forgetting this one dood's name... but yea, he hella made me laugh on the bart ride home and at carl's jr. d-rock [danny] was hella coo too. hehe... fun times. i saw pete a lil bit every so often. the last saturday i was there, he had a family party at his house so chris and i stopped by after watching head of state [no recommendation]. we kicked it there for quite a while. we watched ghost ship [ehhh...]. oh yea, chris's cousins are hella coo too. chrisna, mike, eric. pretty sure they're cousins. haha... i hella like chris's mom. she's hella coo. hMm... what else happened... oh yea, i saw the other chris a lil bit too. he's so fun. him and jayson. they're like inseparable like pete and chris. jayson was all asking me bout sheen and stuff cuz they used to go out... haha... =X jayson's gurl is pretty and has an interesting name, moon, i believe. heh... the plane rides weren't bad either. they seemed short. i got peanuts for my cousin. haha! my mom and aunt gave me money. score! i only had like $0.62 in my account. i got a haircut while i was up there too. i cut off like 5 inches. not a lot of people have really noticed tho. *shrugz* i sometimes think that it's too short. oh well... hehe... i feel bad bout not bein able to see like half of the people that i intended on seeing. sorry all. =[ i'll make it all up to u when i go back up [but probably not until the summer...]. i got new toys from toys r us. they're called stikfas. they're so cool! haha... go check em out. i also bought two new aero shirts. =] i love aeropostale! i need to buy new jeans tho cuz i got a nice mustard stain on my favorite jeans. looks very nice. a nice yellow smudge on my ass. damn movie theatre seat with it's sneaky mustard. oh yea! i got hit on twice. muahahahaha... the first time was when i was washing my car in front of my house. no, i was not dressed like a hoe. =P yea, and the fobish guy like 2 houses down my street came home and started walking towards me... lol. yea, he asked for my number. i told him that i have a bf. then he introduced himself... haha... i think u're supposed to intro urself first. *shrugz* oh well. hehe... the second time i was wit chris. we were bout to walk into serramonte when we were passing the bus stops. then these 3 guys were sitting waiting for the bus and call out to chris sayin, "aye, is that ur sister of ur gurl?" of course, chris says that i'm his gurl. muahahaha... from the bus stop. guys must be getting more courage these days or somethin. but i'm sorry everyone, male or female cuz i kno some of u swing that way [haha], i am happily taken by chris. very happily. ;] i love you chris!!! haha... hmm... i think that's all that i can really think of for now, so i'll jus post later when i can. =]
oh yea, i might have already decided on a major and where i intend on taking this major. but yes, this is to be determined cuz i'm not sure yet. but from spring break, i'm really leaning towards one choice more than the other. yes, i'm being really ambiguous. i jus don't wanna leak it all out jus yet... not until i kno for sure cuz i kno people will try to persuade me to do one thing over the other... depending. =P my mom is coo wit it too! haha... weeeh... k, i'm in a very happy mood... oh yea, i raised my grades too... except for that one class that has a NR temporarily. grr... but yes, let's jus hope that adrienne gets off of ap. =D alright folks, if u made it this far, i congratulate u. haha... and yea, comments are greatly appreciated and anyone wanna claim 6000th? =P