name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


i spent the night in a place not my own, but you know what...  i spent the night in one of my favorite places.  i was in building twenty apartment #1_?  [yea, don't wanna put the number... haha...]  anyway, dom, gene, ashton, and greg are like brothers i never really had.  i love them wit all my heart.  seriously.  they're each so individual, yet somehow they come together and make one great group of guys. 

dom is like the gentlemen who takes care of his ish around the apartment and in life.  he's wise beyond his years and still knows how to have hella fun.  he's a great cook and an even better person to talk to.  he's quiet at times, but when he talks, everyone listens.  i look up to him.  he's like my kuya.  [haha...  last year he was my kuya in my kasama fam!]  i [heart] you, dom. 

gene is sometimes eccentric and jus plain weird.  he's this combination of lrg clothing and neverending hip hop beats.  he's the lyrics over a perfect hip hop beat.  ha.  he's fun to be around, and is considerate in his own ways.  i [heart] you, gene. 

ashton is the dark one.  haha.  the things he says are sometimes completely random or off-the-wall, but that's jus part of his charm.  his clothes consist of ecko, t5s, and other styles seen on  he's sweet and kind.  his arm is in a brace, but he's got a nice face.  LOL.  okay i [heart] you, ashton. 

finally, but not least, greg is the quiet geeky one.  he jumps into a conversation with the weirdest one line comments.  he's easy going and fun to kick it wit.  sometimes, i treat him badly, but it's all out of love.  haha...  he's hella nice, but sometimes a lil too indecisive.  but yes, he's my buddy, as are all of these guys.  i [heart] you greg. 

these guys are awesome in every way.  i couldn't be any happier that they live nearby.  over the past few months, i've had the opportunity to get to know these guys so much more and learn new things about them every time we hang out.  [which has been practically everyday almost]  these guys are my lifesavers.  they're the ones who keep me sane, the ones who keep me in check.  where would i be without them here?  i'd probably be some antisocial freak, moreso than i am now.  haha...  i love you guys.  thank you for accomidating me.  tho, i doubt u had a choice.  hehe...  here we go with the last words...

and there they are.  [gene, ashton, dom, + greg]

oh yea, P.S. - i'm gonna keep this xanga drama free...  cuz i hate drama.  so in turn by keeping my xanga drama free, let's jus assume my life is drama free. 


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