name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


what u've been missing...
hello everyone and welcome to yet another episode of adrienne's life. it's been a while since i wrote a serious bLog entry bout what's actually been going on in my life. well, i finally got my schedule fixed. unfortunately, my tuesdays and thursdays are hell on the uci campus. haha... that didn't really make sense, but yea, moving on... classes pretty much straight from 8am to 6:30pm. ok, so there's a 2 hour gap and then a 3 hour gap, but still...

that's the cross cultural center where i spend most of my school days jus kickin it wit my kaba folks... i've decided that i'm gonna stay at uci. i realized that i'm more wanted [in a way] down here then back at home... everyone at home has moved on with their lives already, and i should too... sadly, i don't wanna let go of everyone at home, but i guess i already have. i'm down here now, and i'm gonna stay at uci until i graduate or get kicked out. ha. i just need to figure out what i'm gonna major in during the summer. also, i'm gonna have to look for a job during the summer. any ideas? i've realized recently that my friends at home are jus too far sometimes... i feel like i'm losing touch with everyone, and i am. i apologize to everyone that i haven't had the time for recently. i really am. i miss u guys more than anything. u jus don't kno. love ya all! u kno who u are. =] i've also been missing those friends lost during the summer. 3 guys that were my closest friends during the end of senior year and the beginning of the summer. i miss u guys. i hope everything's going well. sorry for the drama that i started. maybe one day we'll all be coo again. as much as i want to go back to frisco, i jus gotta admit to myself that things won't be the same and not how i expect it to be. i expected that when i went back that everyone that i am friends with up there would jus all come back and we'd all be able to kick it on a more regular basis. tho that may be true for the most part, i jus kno that they all have their own schedules now and their own lives apart from mine. the only regret about staying at uci is chris. it's so hard to be almost 500 miles away from him. i jus wish i could see him as often as my heart wants to, but then that would be everyday. =P i don't think that would be very constructive for either of us. haha... somehow, i wish we could jus live in the same apartment... tho we'd have different schedules, at the end of our days, we'd come home to each other... =\ k, no more mushiness. haha... but yea, basically, uci is where i will stay for as long as it will keep me. and hey, another one of my cousins is comin down here next year. muahahaha... impressionable freshman blood. i've been considering whether i should run for kaba board next year for historian or publicity. iono if i can handle all the responsibilities... *shrugz*... we'll see what i decide. it's nice seeing all the norcal people with their friends from home who came to visit them. hehe... but in a way, it makes me feel lonelier. oh well... chris couldn't make it for his spring break, but that's not really his fault. it's okay, i'll try to see him this weekend if i'm free. yes everyone, i will be back in the bay from friday night to early monday afternoon. i'll try to see what i have time for, but as i see it, not a lot of free time... maybe a few hours on saturday... *sigh* i miss chris so much... blah... anyway, i'll leave u with a lil story from the past few days... only one that sticks out in my memory...

so yesterday, i went to see my humanities discussion leader cuz i jus tranferred into his section. i emailed him the night before telling him that i tranferred into it, and he replied and basically told be bout all this crap that's due and what not. basically, our essay is due thursday. AHH! well, i went to talk to him cuz i couldn't do that in any way possible. he let me get an extension!!! yesss!!! i stressed so much that i cried to my mommy bout it... i was so relieved. anyway! that's not the really interesting part... so this guy has two lil patches on his jaw, like right below his cheeks. one on each side of his face. these patches, though, are not like regular everyday ones... these are acne patches... like pimple on top of gross pus-filled pimple. [graphic, huh? well, it was jus that gross] so yea, i got used to not paying attention to those while i was talking to him... next thing i kno, while he's talking, he burps! wtf!?!? he doesn't even say, "excuse me" or anything!! eww... but that's not all... after that, i saw him scratching the back of his neck, which is completely normal... until i see him looking at his hand with a confused kind of look on his face... EWW!!! next thing i kno, this man is taking out his handkerchief and wiping whatever it is on the back of his neck... sick! i don't even wanna kno... anyway, that's all... hopefully, i grossed u all out... cuz i sure was...


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