AHH!!! i hate school already... lol... anyway, i better get going... i have class at 5. =P
well, i've been in irvine for almost a week already, and i haven't written a quality update yet... so here we go... this is gonna be long. =P
friday [092002] - saturday [092102]:
i finished up packing up my stuff and everything late at night. people came by to jus kick it for a lil bit or what not. i saw chris that day. =] marcia, of all people, actually came by with chicken nuggets! haha... but that's cuz i called her... that dork. crys couldn't come by cuz she has a hella busy friday. my cousins came too [jay & josh]. jay was there to set up my new computer and transfer files. we didn't finish loading the car and everything until maybe 2:30am. my lil civic looked all lowered. haha... there was a space jus big enough for me to squeeze in the backseat. so, we went on our way [we = my mom, my aunt "tita baby", and i]. i waved to my baby kitty rocky who was watching in the window meowing... =\ i think that once we started driving and everything, i fell asleep cuz i really don't remember anything about that trip. we stopped at denny's about 3 hours into the trip i believe... then i fell back asleep once in the car. the next thing i knew, we were there. irvine.
moving in [092102 - 10:00am]:
we arrived at around 10:30. there were so many people unloading and everything. it's a good thing that we found some people that volunteered to help bring stuff up to my dorm. turns out, my dorm room is one of the biggest in the building and the nicest. my roommate wasn't there jus yet. my mom and tita baby started moving around furniture and what not, trying to make the most of the space we had. the beds are bunked. [pictures will be up in due time]. the room is pretty nice overall. later that day, maybe almost at 12, my roommate sanaz came with her dad and mom. she was really nice from the beginning. her family was just as kind. she brought a whole lot of stuff. man, my full car load of crap didn't seem to compare to what some of these people brought. dizzamm... anyway, we started unloading and everything...
next few days [092102-092502]:
the days following move in day were kinda like a blur. we bought a lot at target and stuff that i would need in the dorm and what not. i think it was sunday that i got all of the stuff for my computer. we went to best buy. i bought a 17" viewsonic flat panel monitor, natural style microsoft keyboard, the blue optical wheel mouse by microsoft, and speakers. =] i didn't end up setting up my computer until monday, and the internet on tuesday. we bought so much stuff tho... but all had a purpose. i didn't sleep in my dorm room until tuesday night. i spent some time with my two other aunts from my dad's side, tita ruby and tita beth. they paid for a few of the things for my computer. my mom and tita baby left on wednesday. they were on their way to las vegas and lake tahoe. my mom cried jus a lil bit. i did feel a little sad. it's scary knowing that i'm completely on my own now. wow...
and at school [092102-present]:
so the people here seem to be pretty cool. the girl across the hall named evelyn seems to be cooler than how she came off as in the beginning. the girls in my hall are pretty boy-crazy and they party a lot. they were even drinkin in the dorm... sheesh... good thing my roommate and i both don't drink... there have been a few things goin on on campus during this week since it's welcome week.. i've only attended a few tho... there was a dance here on tuesday night... it was okay. it was like high school all over again. i have walked around campus tho to find my classes and to check out some clubs and sororities. i went to the recreation center here when it had its all night opening. it was open from 8pm to 6am jus for that one night... it's a big place. they had special things goin on too. there were demos of the different dance classes like hip hop, breakdancing, belly dancing, etc. there were some games goin on too like dodgeball, musical chairs, limbo... hehe... a whole lot of stuff... i plan on climbing the rock wall they have eventually... =P i did go to the kababayan meetings. they were pretty cool. the people were really nice. they had a lot of energy. btw, kababayan is a filipino club at uci. there were two meetings. one was at 10am for the new students and one at 6:30 for the general meeting. the one at night gave more info about the different aspects of the club and everything. the hiphop dance team performed also. they're called kaba modern. and damn, there were so good... i wish i could perform like that. heh.. well, nothing really else has been going on... i haven't met a lot of people yet. i jus started classes today... i had my math class at 10 and i have my humanities class at 3... well, that's all for now... contact me if u want my new address and what not. =]
wow... it's like a vicious gawd forsaken cycle... misery loves company... i'm bringin u all down with me!!! muahahahaha... k, i'm kidding... i'm jus so confused... blah...
man, u think that these things are all harmless right? just a bunch of words someone types up onto a webpage. these things are made for one to speak their mind. i may seem like a bitch, but u kno what? does anyone really think i'm like that in person? shit... the bitchiest thing i do is talk shit, but even that is dumb cuz most of the time i don't mean half of the crap i say. yea, this drama is pointless... who would've thought that a lil harmless bunch of words could start so much? or is it cuz it uncovered something... i spent over 3 months wondering jus what the hell happened. u think i wanted to live a lifetime wondering? nah, i don't think so. dang, can't i jus say what's on my mind for once and not get yelled at because of it? now tell me... never calling, never saying shit, never lettin me kno anything... was that not rude? all of a sudden none of u talk to me at all, jus great. leave me wondering. thanx guys. of course i'm gonna say something. gawd, i can't even believe that one of u or maybe all of u hella fronted as if u were my friend... then again, maybe u were my friend. i can't tell anymore. there's a thin line between my friends and enemies these days.
dear god,
with these next 3 days that lie ahead of me, let my life only go up from where it has so nicely gone down so rapidly... let chris kno that i care about him and always will. let jey, sil, and anson kno that i'll always remember them and hope for a call someday. tell eric & dominic that i'll always be around for them. tell sean & vinh that they'll always hold a special place among the closest of my friends. tell gemma & monica to be good girls. tell erica to take care of herself cuz i would never want anything to happen to her. tell patrick that i'm sorry for whatever ish i did to him. let taylor kno that i'm sorry too. let rolando kno that i don't hate him. tell miguel that he better watch himself and be careful. tell joey that he better not be a jerk if i ever see him. tell aaron that he's still that cute gq guy i've always known. tell alex that i miss him like a big brother. tell sheena that i love her like my sister and forever we'll be friends cuz we've made it thru the ish in the past. last but not least, tell crystal that she's my best friend and my all in life. without her, i would've had nothing at all in this world to make it seem like my problems were nothing. she's my support thru it all. forever, i promise, i'll stay tru to that girl cuz she's shown me what a real friend is. my sister that i never had. finally, tell everyone that i'm gonna miss them so much... even tho it seems like i don't care sometimes... i do and always will.
- adrienne
p.s. - i needed that to calm me down. didn't wanna break anything.
muahahahaha... these days jus keep getting better... i swear... what the fuck happened to everyone??? people are takin shit way too seriously... u kno i felt like i had true friends towards the end of high school... i felt like i had people i could trust for once in my life... not like the drama i went through all the times before... but of course, this wasn't true... i'm always bein screwed over by friends... there's always someone who's higher than me when it comes to friendships... when i hold no one higher than another, someone else decides to put me as a friend at the bottom of their list...
and apparently... this b-Log jus attracts negativity...
what the fuck people... i call u up to wish you a happy birthday... yea, a day late, so what, right? better than both of us going our separate ways and never talking again, right? but i guess i was wrong... u seem perfectly content with the fact that we haven't talked for months. i don't even know if i did something wrong, or if something happened. you were a guy that i felt i could trust... but that was a few months ago... and now... it's just too late... we're gonna go back to when we met. we talked then went our separate ways and met up again. maybe our paths will cross again. who knows? for now, i'm not wasting my time on calling you or anything... it's your turn. your move. show me that i meant something to you. because u kno what? i feel like i'm nothing. i thought we were friends. u really had me going there... shit... u've made me bitter. great. and yes, if u kno who this is about, tell him to read this cuz this is for him.
*ahem* attention attention! the girl's name at mr.rags has an e at the end! it is CHRISTELLE! thank you.
damn damn damn... with so few days left, i'm left thinking... what am i leaving behind? friends... family... my cats =P... my baby boi car... man... i'm gonna miss the bay so much... but i guess u gotta make the best of things, ya kno? yea.
there's this hella cool girl that works at mr.rags in stonestown. her name's christell. i think that's how u spell it. hehe... anyways, she's filipino and kinda dorky but in the good way. she was hella choppin it up with us today... the first time we went there, she talked to us, but this time was hella fun. i can't believe how much time we spent in that store... but she's coo... i'm like tempted to go over there again and ask if she has an e-mail address or sum crap... haha... i say that all of u reading this go to stonestown and give her mad love cuz she's coo like that... hehe... i'm serious. go. now. =P
a few of you will be receiving a lil something in the mail or ur e-mail inbox in the next couple of days or weeks... whenever i'm not lazy... hehe... or busy for that matter... i have to actually start packing... =\ freakin aye... so many mixed emotions about leaving... i wanna cry, jump for joy, punch a wall, and hug someone all at the same time... shoOooT... people better go down there and visit me or else i'm gonna cry like a little girl until ur eardrums explode. that's a threat. so watch out and book ur trip now! lol
well, it's pretty late, and i'm pretty tired... so i'm jus gonna let you go... i'll be in touch soon. let me do the missin. ;]
the following is a conversation between chris and his cousin... they are two weird individuals. i just thought i'd share.
AznBboy650: how come u don't have an aol icon
AzN bLeEk 36: its another conspiracy
AznBboy650: how so?
AzN bLeEk 36: see aol icons..like mike's for example
AznBboy650: yup
AznBboy650: wut about it?
AzN bLeEk 36: a tree
AznBboy650: indeed it is
AzN bLeEk 36: but your run of the mill young person on aol..25 and under
AzN bLeEk 36: dont look at it as just a tree
AzN bLeEk 36: they think about weed or so
AzN bLeEk 36: trees..weed
AznBboy650: haha
AzN bLeEk 36: your bomb?
AzN bLeEk 36: people think of terroism
AzN bLeEk 36: terrorism
AznBboy650: wut the?
AzN bLeEk 36: yes..well thats what im tryin to say
AzN bLeEk 36: the young people..25 and under
AzN bLeEk 36: they view ur bomb as..''the bomb"
AzN bLeEk 36: u know..like a person is all that
AznBboy650: i suppose so
AzN bLeEk 36: but the people who know the truth..its a subliminal message that promotes negative connotations
AzN bLeEk 36: face it
AzN bLeEk 36: we're in the matrix
AznBboy650: wow, never thought of it that way
AznBboy650: touche
AzN bLeEk 36: theres no way out
AznBboy650: i guess not
AznBboy650: it's all over!
AzN bLeEk 36: u know it man..just like the dentist fillings i told u about
AznBboy650: remind me
AzN bLeEk 36: its like all these consipiracies rolled into one big conspiracy or somethin
AzN bLeEk 36: u know how if u have teeth fillings
AznBboy650: wut about it?
AzN bLeEk 36: aliens can use that as a signal to pick up ur brainwaves
AznBboy650: hahaha, wow
AzN bLeEk 36: thats what im sayin..thats why the human mind
AzN bLeEk 36: like every 6 seconds or somethin is thinkin about sex
AzN bLeEk 36: the aliens pick up on these brainwaves..and spread em to other humans
AzN bLeEk 36: so all humans can think about sex
AznBboy650: wut purpose does this serve?
AzN bLeEk 36: which means everybody will have sex..which means reproduction..which means a lot of babies
AzN bLeEk 36: once the earth is at its capacity
AzN bLeEk 36: the aliens will come down and harvest us
AzN bLeEk 36: eat us
AznBboy650: crazy...
AzN bLeEk 36: they're just waiting till the earth is overloaded with humans
AzN bLeEk 36: but have no fear
AzN bLeEk 36: hasnt the movie signs taught u anythin?
AzN bLeEk 36: their weakness is water
AznBboy650: water will destroy them all?
AzN bLeEk 36: earth is 70 percent water
AznBboy650: oh yea
AzN bLeEk 36: we can use that resource to combat em
AznBboy650: damn right
AzN bLeEk 36: humans are two steps ahead of the game
AznBboy650: it seems so
man... u kno what i don't like... i don't like "friends" who think they have to hide things from me... but whatever... cuz whatever fake ass friends i have now will be easily forgotten... examples: the ones who haven't called in what seems like years, the ones who want to diss me behind my back [too bad i find out], and the ones who front instead of acting tru to me. guys, fess up... tell me what's on ur mind before i'm gone. stop fucking hiding under ur disguise and maybe be real with me. for all i know, you could all have a blog where all u do is talk bout the things i shouldn't know. and u kno what? if that's how u feel, then u're not a friend of mine. i just lost someone close to me because of stupid shit... i don't want it to happen again. man, it's kinda sad when out of maybe over 10 friends that i had during the summer, i can only count the tru ones on one hand...
what a trip... so i'm losing i lost chris...
and what's this? who else? oh yea, i'm not supposed to know... ha. sucka.
AzN BbOy 650 (12:29:25 AM): oh yea, to all those people who replied to ur blog
AzN BbOy 650 (12:29:53 AM): i just wanna holla a big FUCK YOU to all of them
AzN BbOy 650 (12:30:04 AM): fuck u and u and u and u and u and all the other bitches who's talking shit
AzN BbOy 650 (12:30:11 AM): i'll fucking kill there asses
AzN BbOy 650 (12:30:41 AM): so if i ever find out whoever those fuckers are, u can make sure they're gonna get their asses beat down like the ass licking fags they are
angel x flair (12:33:17 AM): why say this all to me? their e-mail addresses are there... they're not hiding...
AzN BbOy 650 signed off at 12:34:19 AM.
AzN BbOy 650 signed on at 12:34:24 AM.
AzN BbOy 650 (12:34:34 AM): and i dunno wut kinda crap u were tryin to pull with that away message?
AzN BbOy 650 (12:34:44 AM): but that wuzn't funny at all
AzN BbOy 650 (12:35:19 AM): fine, don't fuckin answer me
angel x flair (12:35:26 AM): what am i gonna say to that?
angel x flair (12:35:29 AM): u hurt me...
AzN BbOy 650 (12:35:39 AM): well, wut wuz that shit then?
AzN BbOy 650 (12:35:43 AM): u brought that shit on urself
AzN BbOy 650 (12:36:00 AM): didn't i tell u about how important that crap is to me?
angel x flair (12:36:03 AM): then why were u gonna apologize?
AzN BbOy 650 (12:36:33 AM): i wuz till u fuckin put that shitty ass away message up
AzN BbOy 650 (12:37:00 AM): that wuz like a fuckin insult straight to my face
angel x flair (12:37:27 AM): so it's okay for u to insult me to my face, but not for me to do that to u indirectly.
AzN BbOy 650 (12:37:36 AM): fuck that
AzN BbOy 650 (12:37:41 AM): fine insult me all u want
AzN BbOy 650 (12:37:47 AM): our fuckin friendship is over
AzN BbOy 650 (12:37:54 AM): or wutever the fuck we had
AzN BbOy 650 (12:38:03 AM): fuck u fuck fuck u fuck u fuck u
AzN BbOy 650 (12:38:11 AM): and fuck all those people on ur blog too
AzN BbOy 650 signed off at 12:39:50 AM.
AzN BbOy 650 signed on at 12:39:54 AM.
AzN BbOy 650 (12:40:23 AM): so fuck, it's over, go to irvine and continue with ur fake ass life
AzN BbOy 650 (12:40:46 AM): and if u kno any of those blog people, tell them where they can meet me and i'll fuckin cut their necks open
AzN BbOy 650 (12:41:17 AM): i already voiced my opinion on ur shit, i hope they all get to see it
AzN BbOy 650 (12:41:41 AM): and as for u, i'd go to ur house and say fuck u to ur face but ur not worth my gas, my time, or my energy
AzN BbOy 650 (12:41:55 AM): fuckin adrienne
AzN BbOy 650 (12:42:22 AM): i hope u fuckin save this im and show it to all ur blog friends too
AzN BbOy 650 (12:43:08 AM): fuck u and good bye u fake ass bitch
"I can't believe that it's over baby
Every bruise on my heart you gave me
See we tried but we'd fight then we'd cry
Now it's over baby
It's over baby"
~ Ashanti - "Over"
funny how my blog entries are usually lyrics from songs that i recommend. =P but yea... i jus like this song... nothing in my life. so HA! sucka... sucka free yo. sCo! lol. i'm a dork.
Avril Lavigne - "Things I'll Never Say"
i'm tugging at my hair
i'm pulling at my clothes
i'm trying to keep my cool
i know it shows
i'm staring at my feet
my cheeks are turning red
i'm searching for the words inside my head
i'm feeling nervous
trying to be so perfect
cause i know you're worth it
you're worth it, yeah
if i could say what i want to say
i'd say i want to blow you away
be with you every night
am i squeezing you too tight?
if i could say what i want to see
i want to see you go down on one knee
marry me today
guess i'm wishing
my life away
with these things i'll never say
it don't do me any good
it's just a waste of time
what use is it to you
what's on my mind
if it ain't comin out
we're not goin anywhere
so why can't i just tell you that i care
cause i'm feeling nervous
trying to be so perfect
cause i kno you're worth it
if i could say what i want to say
i'd say i want to blow you away
be with you every night
am i squeezing you too tight?
if i could say what i want to see
i want to see you go down on one knee
marry me today
guess i'm wishing
my life away
with these things i'll never say
what's wrong with my tongue
these words keep slippin away
i stutter i stumble like i've got nothing to say
cause i'm feeling nervous
trying to be so perfect
cause i kno you're worth it
if i could say what i want to say
i'd say i want to blow you away
be with you every night
am i squeezing you too tight?
if i could say what i want to see
i want to see you go down on one knee
marry me today
guess i'm wishing
my life away
with these things i'll never say
guess what guys?!?! omg... i thought my "twinkle toez" days were over...but... apparently they're not... today, i was going up like 3 steps of stairs... and i trip. yes, i trip. in front of like 8 people... oh man... i like knelt on the floor for a second... then walked away like the dork i am... indeed... =P
new look... u like? i do.
it's coming up real soon folks... the big move... am i scared? nope. am i excited? a little. am i sad to leave? yes.
man... the words jus don't flow anymore... i don't know where to begin. what to write about?!? dammit... so i guess that's all? for now i suppose, it is.

You are an S2000. You've got a genuine thirst for serious excitement; you want to enjoy life to the fullest and admire everything around you for what it is. You see things as they are; negativity in you is brought about by hateful people, so it's a good thing that you can see greatness in the small things.
which honda are you? | visit high
Poetic Statement of Right Now:
"music is just a bunch of words and rhythms until you add emotion and meaning. love works the same way. you have to give love its value. it can't grow with just words feeding it. emotions and actions make love more than just a word you say between the 'i' and 'you.'" - me