name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


man, u think that these things are all harmless right? just a bunch of words someone types up onto a webpage. these things are made for one to speak their mind. i may seem like a bitch, but u kno what? does anyone really think i'm like that in person? shit... the bitchiest thing i do is talk shit, but even that is dumb cuz most of the time i don't mean half of the crap i say. yea, this drama is pointless... who would've thought that a lil harmless bunch of words could start so much? or is it cuz it uncovered something... i spent over 3 months wondering jus what the hell happened. u think i wanted to live a lifetime wondering? nah, i don't think so. dang, can't i jus say what's on my mind for once and not get yelled at because of it? now tell me... never calling, never saying shit, never lettin me kno anything... was that not rude? all of a sudden none of u talk to me at all, jus great. leave me wondering. thanx guys. of course i'm gonna say something. gawd, i can't even believe that one of u or maybe all of u hella fronted as if u were my friend... then again, maybe u were my friend. i can't tell anymore. there's a thin line between my friends and enemies these days.


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