k, sorry sean... but really, i don't like the focus... but hey, u like them... so it is stricken from my list... hehe... =P
cars that should've never been created:
- PT Cruiser
- new Beetle
- Toyota Echo
- Ford Focus
- Aztek
- 2002 Honda Civic SI [almost forgot that one]
cars that make me melt:
- Supra
- S2000
- nicely riced out imports
- M3/M5
- 2000 Civic Ex (silver) HEHEHE...
- 300ZX
would u believe me if i told you that i've never drank or done drugs in my life? well, believe it... hehe... i'm so innocent... =P k, iono bout all that innocent stuff but yea, i'm clean in every sense of the word. the best way to be, i believe... maybe once in a while, sure... but not to the point where it's like a problem... k, i'm done... don't wanna get all specific... =P
soOo... adrienne, what have u been up to? wednesday was umm... interesting... a lot of driving... hehe... went to go see my friend... went to a mall... then watched minority report... good movie. go watch it. hehe...
thursday, crystal picked me up. we went to circuit to check up on my mom. she was paying for our new tv that's comin on saturday... today? lol... 57inches... widescreen... high definition... *droolz*... then we went down to frisco. japantown. i bought the spray stuff to black out my tailights... [hope to do that sometime soon] ate at pasta pomodora near kabuki... then went home... hehe... exciting, huh?
friday... wOo! this was fun... went to crystal's house to get her... she drove my car... hehe... then to best buy to pickup her paycheck and buy an alarm system for her bro... a freakin $750 system for $260... crazy employee discount... then we drove around palo alto to get to a wells fargo to cash the check and to a b.of.a so i could get my money... lol then finally, off we went! hahahaha... great mall baby... got there after minimal traffic... called up my friend pat in san jo... he said he'd be there after he finished eating... so crys and i walked around... and already bought some stuff... hehe... then pat came. =] and he walked around with us crazy folk... hehe... omg! crystal bought hella stuff!!!! hahahaha... don't even get me started... i bought a pack of gum, food, a tank from guess, sunglasses, and a flashing keypad for my cell phone... HAHAHA... but that's nothing compared to crystal... i'll jus leave it at that... and pat? he bought nothing... hahaha... he jus watched us spend money like it was no thang... hahaha.. well, not me... hehe... there were hella boppers in the mall!!! OMG! they're annoying... yes, indeed... so my mom told me to be home by 7 cuz she didn't want me drivin around east palo alto?!?! u swear it's hella ghetto... it's jus the black version of my neighborhood... so whatever... i was gonna be late... a half an hour late... my mom bitched at me when i called her to tell her that... blah blah blah... so i was pissed... a very bad thing... cuz when we got to crys's house to get her car... i was driving like a madwoman... argh... i'm so pissed at myself too for drivin that way... cuz i'm a good driver under normal conditions... but oh man... i was pissed and in a rush... FAWK! it was horrible... but i'm safe and so are my 2 followers... hehe... got to my house... my mom wasn't even that pissed wit me... she was jus like whatever... then she was coo... so i jetted out of there after droppin off my car... jumped in wit crystal and off we went to foggy daly city to watch the flipside... the movie was pretty coo... hella short tho... but omg, it was funny... hehehe... but there were like 1 or 2 characters that i jus couldn't stand, but i think that's how they're supposed to be... century 20 rocks my world baby... hahaha... then pat had to go home cuz i didn't want to risk him gettin trouble... so me and crys went to in n out... lol... there was this couple sitting next to us... seemed like they were on like a first date or somethin cuz of the questions bein asked... lol... but yea, the girl jus kept talking... i swear it sounded like the boi was bored... haha... and her voice is annoying... so crys and i were jus listenin in every so often... and i repeated somethin the girl said... and then everything got quiet and i saw them looking at us... "Uh oh... i think they heard me." runs through my mind... d'oh! so crys and i left... lol! overall, it was a hella fun day... =]
so, time for the thoughtful stuff... u kno, i would have to say that my perfect guy would have to be a combination of chris & taylor... cuz i mean... together, they'd be the most perfect guy for me... i wish i could explain it more clearly... but yea... i know that guy exists... must be...
i'm happy now... and i smile in my webcam pics too... it's weird... speaking of smiles... Crest WhiteStrips work mang... =]
the end. =D
watchin lilo & stitch last night makes me wish that i actually did sign up for that tahitian dance thing a few years ago... d'oh... it looks like so much fun! alas, my mom didn't want me to do it... oh well, maybe i'll do it in college? or even Filipino dance... hehe!
blah i'm so bored right now... no one's talkin to me online and no one calls anymore... then again, no one ever really did... oh wellz...
so how was irvine? boring. nothin really to share... spent 3 hours in a lecture hall listenin to two different doods talk and continue talking with about 15 other students... majority asians? yes, indeed. didn't talk to anyone... tho i now regret it... oh wellz... see them all again in september...
went out wit crys again today... and i agree wit her bout the beanies... i like wearin them more now.. i used to wear my gray one every so often, but now that i have more colors, i wear them pretty often... heh... damn wind... anywayz, we ate at serramonte... i swear i only go to serramonte now cuz of crys... lol.. then we watched lilo and stitch at the new century 20 in daly city... it was a good movie! so cute too! hehe...
u kno what sux? i think i'm gainin weight again... d'oh... iono, i haven't weighed myself or anything... i jus feel fat... grr... definitely not a good feeling...
gawd, i'm so bored that i might jus go to bed before 3 tonight... heh... we'll see... =P
![]() | You are Civilian Calvin! You don't get to travel much outside your neighborhood, but you still manage to get in plenty of trouble. When you're not acting up, you like to wax philosophical. Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by contessina_2000@yahoo.com! |
i'm off to san jo... then at around 5am... i shall be on my way to irvine... then friday afternoon... i have 3 hours to meet new people and get accustomed to the college world... i'm a college student... scary, huh?
i would jus to like explain and/or apologize ahead of time for an acccent i may develop in july/august... i will be working at this tutoring type place near my house... and i did this same thing last summer... and i developed a ghetto Mexican kid accent... oh man... it was funny cuz someone actually noticed... so yes, if any of you talk to me in person or on the phone, i am sorry for the accent... but it only comes wit the territory... oh yea, i might start dressin a lil more ghetto too... ehh... hopefully not... hehe... anyway, that is all for now.
yesterday was interesting... crys and i decided to take pics together... we met up at serramonte, and then off we drove in our twin civics to the picture studio. Unique Photo... it's a coo place but there was so many bopper children everywhere! like 10yrs old... i swear... oh well... we had to wait a while for a group of them to finish takin pics... we chose the white bg because it was the best out of all of them... heh... we were supposed to only have 6 poses... 4 w/ both of us and 2 for my solo... shush... =P but the photographer was being nice and gave us like 2 or 3 extra ones... hehe... then we had to wait for like half an hour to see our proofs... so we walked to the starbucks near by and got some drinks... walked back to my car which was nicely parked right in front of the place... hehe... saw the proofs... and it was a hard choice cuz all of them looked pretty good... so we picked 4 of the group ones... the package only came wit 4 poses, so i had to add in a few extra dollars for my solo pose... then we had to wait an hour... so we went back to serramonte to eat... omg... we saw the ugliest lady... she made crys choke on her noodles... hehe... anyway, picked up the pictures after... good stuff... [look at the end of this post to see them] then we went to my house to think bout what else to do... called up jeyel... he was sleeping as always... decided to go to malibu... the mini-golf/arcade place in redwood city... so we went off in our cars again... picked him up... decided to stop off at my friend's house to pick up somethin but instead he came along to hillsdale... returned some items... then we all decided to go to the city instead since it was getting too late to go to malibu... dropped off the civics at my house... then off we went to the city... first to urban outfitters and then to the metreon jus for a lil bit... then we went to in n out to go eat... fun times =]
here are the pics:
yes, i met Pinay today! =] they were at the wherehouse in san mateo promoting their sophomore album... it's hella good and i recommend it...
yes, this site again... another poem... not the best poem ever written... but it jus kinda gets me again...
What is Love?
Love is what I feel for you,
Love is always deep and true.
Love is never just enough,
Love is hard and sometimes rough.
Love is strong, and if pushed can kill,
Love brings strength and gives you will.
Love is when you'll wait by the phone,
And when you won't hang up till the dial tone.
Love is priceless and can't be bought,
Love is riches and is always sought.
Love is pure and straight from the heart,
Love is everlasting from the end to the start.
Love is when you're never wrong
And when you can stay awake for very long
Love is hard, together twisted
And when happiness and joy is never misted
Love is us, not you and I,
Love is we, not thee and thy.
What is love? I tell you this,
Love is us and we in forever bliss.
this site and sites similar to it... the couple sites... they've got me all mushy inside... *sighz* the following poem jus kinda did it for me... at least the last section...
Since the day I first met you,
I knew not what to do,
For your kindness was dear,
And ever so true.
I began to like you,
And all through my mind,
Happiness and joy,
Began to unwind.
Yet I feared that you and I,
Could never be,
Because you were and still are,
Much too perfect for me.
But you asked me to the dance,
On that memorable day,
And I was so overjoyed,
I knew not what to say.
Throughout the dance,
In your arms I stayed,
And I believe,
And endless bond was made.
You told me you liked me,
And I told you the same,
I feel lucky to have met you,
To have even known your name.
Surely you must think by now,
That I'm really much too shy,
But it's only because I like you a lot,
And trust me, this isn't a lie.
Your beauty and your kindness,
Your sweetness, your strength,
Is why I will always,
Express my love in length.
I believe that you're special,
Like a diamond or pearl,
And I wrote you this poem,
To ask if you would be my girl.
i jus turned down an invitation to great america... what's wrong with me?!?! oh well, i'm over it... i'll jus wait for other people to invite me... *sighz* this week sux so far... and dear gawd, it's only tuesday afternoon
i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... i will not call him... i will be strong... or so i keep telling myself... slap me...
to person A: in my past, you once were... now ur back... and how am i supposed to respond? jus pretend everything's back to normal? you kno that i care about you but the situation jus isn't right... it shouldn't be this way...
to person R: i made a mistake... maybe it was in talking to you in the first place... then again... it's only been a week that i've known you... and i still kno absolutely nothing about you... you haven't called... i'm bitter... but whatever, i shouldn't expect anything from you cuz that's jus the type of guy you are. wrong for me, i suppose...
to person C: heh... over a year, eh? well, things are changing... i noticed that you're not the same person... yet, u still intrigue me cuz there's always something about you that i don't know... i don't wish for you to be mine anymore... but i still miss you...
to person S: sorry buddy if i hurt you because of the way i act... i don't mean it to be that way... i kno that u still have those little feelings for me... and i don't want you to get hurt, but i'm living my life... don't think that i'm inconsiderate...
to person J: the guy that is everything i could ever want but never have... you're one of my closest friends and i'd never want anything but that...
to person M: i wish i could understand how that mind of yours works, cuz then maybe i'd understand what you do... no one sees you the way i do... i guess it's cuz inside, i'm a little bit like you...
to person T: u were once my best friend... one that i could depend on to brighten up my day... but now... i don't even kno what to think or say anymore... things are jus too weird... and i regret ever messing that friendship up...
to myself: hold strong, aj... don't let anyone break your heart... not again... and not so soon... you deserve only the best... and that's what others should see... don't let the losers in life fuck your life over... it's not worth the stress... you've got three months before you'll be in a totally different world... if all else fails, you'll meet new people there... so don't think that you can't make it... jus put ur heart on hold... tho i kno u don't want to because u're always longing for that "one" who can make u infinitely happy... jus let time take its course...
aiya... why am i still up??? my mind's been so occupied with thoughts of... yea yea... u don't need to kno what of... but hey, then again if u kno me, u kno what i've been thinkin bout... nothing really interesting to share... i got my pics from great america... heh... good times... i hope the coming week is just as great as the last one. =] well, minus these horrible thoughts and what not... blah... thinking is never good for me...
hey guys... guess what happened one year ago today? i'll give u a cookie if u guess right... that's if i haven't told u already... and a happy 18th bday to rolando... the end.
today was kick it wit crys and dany day... hehe... we met up at serramonte after i stopped at first step and old navy first... i bought some tank tops at old navy. 2 for $15... oh yea! lol... then at serramonte, we ate. then we stopped at my house to drop off my car... then off we went to frisco... a little bit of traffic on the way to japantown... but not much... neither of them had ever been there... it was pretty cool. i got to use up the rest of my film! so tomorrow i'll get it developed... but yea, i bought some stuff for my car... an air freshener, bulbs for the interior light, and white headlight bulbs... i might return the headlight ones cuz my friends knows somewhere to get them cheaper... *shrugz* we'll see... crys and dany were lookin around... dany was lookin for gifts to bring back to arizona and crys was jus whatever... she got a rearview mirror for her car tho... pretty coo and the same air freshener jus different color... i might get the mirror too... maybe... we kinda got lost on the way home cuz i give horrible directions... my bad... anyway, that was my day... hehe...
another beautiful day in south city... =] days are good. yesterday, my mom took my car to work cuz she was too lazy to walk up the hill to get her car... and she was running late... so i called her up and told her that i'm pickin it up... lol... yea, i don't like staying at home knowin that i can be out and about. so yea, i took the bus there... oh em gee... i have never been so thankful that i can drive... so it was a 15 minute bus ride, but that's not the point! there were some annoying kids on it!!! so i got to my mom's work, called her and told her that i'm takin it... then off i went to redwood city to see one of my friends at his friend's house... oh man... it was sOoooo freakin hot... i felt like i was melting... anyway, those crazy kids were burnin shiz in the backyard... a plastic duck, shoes, etc... lol... it was interesting... then i went back to south city to get a bubble drink and a coffee frappe thing for my mom and some eggettes... then got some motrin at walgreens cuz she's sick... then i picked her up from work... from there, we went to serra-manila cuz i wanted to get some shoes... but first, we went to circuit city to look at TVs and DVD/VHS players... she bought a DVD/VHS player for the living room. next will be a new TV for the living room and one for my room probably... =] then back to buying my shoes... i got the jordan trunner condo... in gray of course... =] so from my $1500 from graduation... i'm down to about $1155... cuz of the GA trip, cell phone bill, and the shoes... hehe... but i'm happy... i think i'll buy a laptop next cuz my cousin can hook it up wit a good one for about $500, i think... we'll see... cuz i'm still deciding between laptop and desktop...
so what will adrienne do this beautiful day? who knows... till next time... get I Need a Girl (Part II) by P.Diddy and the Bad Boy Family... it has a coo beat... =] later anteater.
you kno... if i blogged more often, i wouldn't type so much in each one... but too bad... if i had a site, i'd blog more often... but no host... *sighz* anywayz! on with the blogging...
it's a beautiful day today... and i couldn't really be a happier person at the moment... i finally feel good about my situation in life right now... i'm gettin over the heartache... i'm done with the evil that was high school... i'm happy with the friends that i have... no drama, jus a whole lot ob lub. *knocks on wood* happy adrienne... =]
so last week was finals week... they started on the friday before memorial day. nothing really to stress over, well, for me at least... i was pretty confident with my grades and i was jus so ready to get out that school... so 1 final on friday, economics. day off on moday. 1 final on tuesday, music history. no biggie. then grad practice after. 2 finals on wednesday, physics and english. pineapple. lol... my physics teacher is weird. he put something about pineapples as an answer choice for like half of the questions... and then my english teacher is just an idiot. the end. lol... grad practice again. no finals on thursday, but grad practice. thursday night was our baccalaureate mass. basically, jus the mass for the graduates and their families. oh man... we had to walk from our school all the way up to the college in heels... and not the short way either... we took like a freakin college tour!!! we past by classrooms and the dorms... people were clapping and stuff... lol... and we were lead by a bagpiper, so it wasn't like we could jus hide... we were a big group of girls in white caps and gowns... hehe... first time to wear them... friday was class day... i woke up late... lol... that sucked... but i got there only like 10 minutes late and no one cared. so that was the last day at ndb. how sad. not really. but we jus had a liturgy and all this other crap that took up 3 hours. 2nd time wearing all our stuff. =] then i went home... hehe... family started comin that night too. LA family. dad's side. next day. graduation. dun dun dun...
GRADUATION DAY: graduation started at 1. i got there at 12:30... oh let the anxiety begin... they passed out the roses... beautiful blue ones with blue glitter cuz that's our class color. =] so then it began... in height order, we processed... (i'm 3rd u asses... not first... so =P !!!) it was so freaking windy!!! some hats were comin off... and i had to help my friend fix hers... it was really cold too... cuz we were outside... i received my diploma 2nd... hehe... they announce a quote after ur name, and i said "it's better to aim for the stars and miss than to go for the gutter and hit it." hehe... nothing really big about graduation. it's just like any other. valedictorian and salutatorian speeches. yup yup... so it ends... found my diploma... met up with family and friends outside. took pictures... a whole butt-load of pictures... grr.... cuz my mom paid this dood and like a crew to videotape and take pictures of my graduation and party... oh man... so off we all went, to the house after picking up food... more pictures... lots of food... friends came over... =] thanx guys! it means a lot that u could make it... sorry that i was busy with so many things... anyway... lots of money... yay me... good times with friends and family. =]
sunday was a kick-back day... then monday. oh man...
monday was great america day for me and my fellow graduates from serra hs... hehe... fun times with some of my best friends... =] silvio picked me up at around 9:30... went to serra to meet up with the other folks... left there at around 10ish... then off we went... the park opened at 10 that day... so we were there at around 11... after a couple of rides... we ate... oh man $10 for food!!! damn... chicken strips, fries, and a soda... damn... anyway... the guys except for the one with his gf were looking at girls for silvio and anson to pick up on cuz they lost a bet or something... hahaha... oh yea, let me list for u who was there with me... ian & his gf, silvio, anson, jeyel, and joe. there was another group there that included eric, darrell, dominic, joey, and other guys that i don't kno... and also the white guy group... lol.. but i don't associate with a few of those... heh... oh yes, and rolando came a little later. so ride a lil... walk a lot... that boi rolando, oh man... can he do DDR... oh lordie... impressive... hehe... ian's gf was scared before each ride... lol... how cute... all of the guys flipped off the cameras during the rides... hella funny... and then at one point, we were all jus sitting on the side in front of 7th porta... watching people pass by... the guys were lookin for girls for sil and anson to hit on... heh... and then jey was lookin for girls for rolando to take a random pic with... he got dismissmed by one group... aww... poor guy... so no pics for him... then we saw this group of three guys all dressed to match each other... two in iverson jerseys with the same iverson shoes... crazy yet fruity lookin... separately, it would've been alrite, but together they jus looked dumb... lol then someone dared me take a pic with them or i dared myself... either way... off i went... "Hi, can i take a picture of u guys? or with u and me?" lol... oh man.... they were confused... and yea, after like 5 minutes of mumblings and what not... two of the three complied... picture with me and those two was taken. the end, right? i thought so... so the day continued on... but i kept seeing them... and yea, jus funny stuff... too bad they weren't cute... so moving on... oh wait, u didn't think i was outgoing like that? oh, well, u were wrong... i can be sometimes. =P so, we were all there until closing which was at 6... i got tan... heh... my shoulders and arms, that is... and i have a weird tan line on my left shoulder from my bra strap and tank top strap... so it's like two lines... d'oh! oh well... after dropping off people at home or work, we went to eat at elephant bar in the burlingame/millbrae area near the hotels and airport... it was pretty fun... another $10 for food... but it was quality food... i guess it was worth it... a fun day. =D