name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


hmm... what to post... what to post... oh yes...

i once knew this filipino guy that i thought was "ideal." he dressed well. he could dance. he had a fun yet sweet personality. and by the way, he wasn't too bad looking either. he was an exception as are all the non-stereotypical filipino guys my age even tho this example only was hiding his true stereotypical-ness. so often i run into the immature, horny motha-fuckers that claim filipino pride out their ass. they're often seen chillin in the mall with a group of friends similar to himself or with his skank ass girlfriend who enjoys muggin everyone that looks better than her [which is everyone]. if this fellow is single, he enjoys to holla at the girls with some crude remark or jus flat out stupid pickup line. the guys i speak of follow the current trends or attemp to. they dress usually ghetto if they're of the daly city breed. also, many of these stereotypical obnoxious filipino guys are hella white-washed. in addition, these stereotypical filipino males do not kno how to handle relationships maturely and that is why they usually date the stereotypical filipino chick. i won't even go there... oh man, that is why i frown upon all these filipino guys... tsk tsk.


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