name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


u may be asking yourself "why is adrienne up so early?" well, my friends, adrienne has yet to memorize her schedule; so on her way to her "first class" of the day, she stops and wonders if her class is at 9 or 10. HmMm... well, she gets to the room and walks in... she sees well over 100 people that don't look even remotely familiar and a teacher talking about god only knows... "think adrienne... 9 or 10?" then i swear at myself and realize my class is at 10... *chuckle* yea, i'm dumb. =P

sOo, last night was interesting... i heard hella noise down the hall, and i was curious to see what it was all bout... turns out that all the girls in my hall were cutting up their Middle Earth [my dorm] shirts and making them all girlie... u kno, the tied up sides, cropped sleeves, and the slit in the neckline... pretty cute, i must say... so i decided to join in the festivities. so that was goin on, and hella randomly i hear "who here is adrienne?" and yea, i look to see who it was... it was some dood named john jay from downstairs and some girl... well, i soon learn that this girl is deeana, peter's ex [peter=chris's best friend]... well, she was pretty, i suppose... her voice was a bit high-pitched, but at least she was nice. so yea, i was jus talking to her... the first thing she asked me was, "Do you know chris?!?!" and of course, i jus look at her like she's a weirdo... and say, "yea, he's my boi." hahahaha... oh man... anyway, john jay decided to take over my computer and iM chris. joy. that john jay character is interesting. he seems like a dork [and that's not a bad thing in some cases] but he was nice, i suppose. [now u kno why people don't like the word "nice." it's too general. oh well... =P] anyway, by the time dee went on her way and left john jay to mingle, chris and peter called on three-way... they were askin bout john jay cuz of the weird iMs and ish... so yea, i was choppin it up wit them and john jay at the same time... i learn that john jay is one of drea's best friends. " OH MY GOD!" haha... yea, look to the right and u'll see drea's name. =P jj [john jay is jus so horribly long to type] said that gettin in a long distance relationship was "the biggest mistake ever." my ass. blahdee blah... jj couldn't sleep in his own room cuz his roommate was buckin wit his gf... interesting, huh? so yea, eventually, jj left, and i spent the night choppin it up wit chris and pete. they're cool guys. =] i didn't sleep till 4. oh well... haha

oh and today's lesson is: "if u can't rock it, don't perp it."


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