name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


hello my lil webpage that i have not actually fixed... i'll think of a new layout for you soon when i have the time...

hello to the rest of the world... it is just moments until my wonderful family/friends birthday party... and the house had a photo finish... well, so there is some things that still need to be done, but the major stuff is complete... finally! it's been pretty much 2 months since this whole house thing started... and it just started with my mom wanting to get rid of the mildew crap in the bathroom... and just look where it ended up.. a complete remodeling of the house... i can't even start to list all the things that has been done to my house... but hey, it's all spiffy... my house now equals my good looks... haha =P

anyway, back to this party thing... my mom has invited hella people and so have i sorta... but most people aren't coming from my list for various reasons... but it's all good... i still luv ya guys... hehe... but crystal, i'm all sad that u can't go today... WAAHH!!! btw... crys is the other "chris" in my life... hehe... best buddy... why oh why does your mom have to be so icky?!?!?! grr!!! oh well... it's all good... hehe.. and btw, chris is definitely not goin cuz there's the Mighty 4 thing goin on in frisco... dang that bboy...

well, so far i have $140 for my birthday... go me! hehe... who knows just what i'll have when this day is over! hehe... i wish i had a car... *sigh* but htat's not gonna happen! psshh...

well, on thursday, the actual day of my bday... i turned 17 on the 18th... hehe... well, i got 6 balloons... all of which are blue... hehe... but let me tell u the story of these balloons... so silvio's sister finds me when i get to school and hands me 4 balloons that silvio gave me... one winnie the pooh star, one round winnie the pooh, and 2 blue latex balloons... then as me, bridgette, and erica were sitting down in the dining room... i had the balloons next to me and i was in free dress... hehe... well, pam comes up with a balloon.... a winnie the pooh start balloon! hehe... that's 2... and also, as bridgette is watching pam give me the balloon... she comes to the realization that it was my birthday... haha! and she didn't even notice that there were balloons sitting right next to me... that bridgette... hehe... anyway, so as i'm about to go to my first period class... crystal comes! woO! and she has a balloon for me! yesssss... and guess what... it was that winnie the pooh star balloon... hahaha... i guess ya'll kno what i like... i like my stuff blue and stars... hehe XD thanx guys...

well, i have to make signs for the doors of my mom's room cuz the cats are all locked in there... and we don't want nosy people opening up those doors... =] gbye people! take the best of care


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