name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


today was better than expected... the last day of work was a lil harsh though... dang lil girly was all sad to leave me... aww... but i did forget my connect 4 tavel thing there... oh well, i'll get it back eventually... hmm... for someone who is a computer genius, i do f*ck up my computer quite often... currently, there is something wrong with my cd-rom drive... *shrugz*... i'll figure that out later... umm... i did find my lil photon light though... WoO wOo!!! and i bought new chapstick!!! yesssss... the two things i need in my life are my cell phone and my chapstick... oh yea, by the way, i'm leavin for LA on friday, today, at 12:00pm... yay... i'll be back on wednesday, i think... argh... then it's off to school... aiya! i hate that... then it's back to only goin out on fridays, saturdays, and maybe sundays... *sigh* well, that's all folks... until i come back, take carez everyone!!!


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