name // aj
age // 20
bday // 10.18.84
home // sf,cali
loc // 949,
stat // flyin solo
i'm //


Random (11:22:20 AM):'s irvine?
Random (11:25:16 AM): Aneehs reads ur blog and she thinks u should of went to usm even though u
know its going to be different

angel x flair (11:25:44 AM): huh?
angel x flair (11:25:56 AM)
: i wouldn't wanna be anywhere but here
Random (11:26:30 AM)
: Why what's over there?
angel x flair (11:27:59 AM): well, why would i go anywhere else? esp. home. home is jus my house in a city i love close to chris. i'm a forgotten being up there. i mean more to people down here than anywhere else. other than family and chris.

sorry if i seem bitter. sorry if i sound like i don't care. i jus think u would feel the same way too if everyone that u felt was a tyte ass friend decided to jus live their lives as if u weren't a part of it. so u've got problems, and i promised to always be there. i will always be there, but it was always jus up to u to come to me. i'm sorry, but i jus grew tired of being the one to tie things together again. don't wanna start drama or any shit wit anyone up north... but u kno what? i'm sorry. i'll always be ur friend. always and forever. cuz i can't jus pretend that u never existed or touched my life. and yea, this applies to a few more than one person. i miss u guys, but what bout reciprocity?


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